Summer is fast approaching and, as such, all the creepy crawlies and other pests are emerging as well. There are some pests that make themselves a true nuisance during the summer months that you should certainly look out for. We want you to be prepared; keep reading to find out what pests you should watch out for this summer.
The first pest that you are likely to notice and that we have all had to battle are mosquitos. These pests hibernate during the winter and emerge during the summer to breed, bite you and make you itch. They are attracted to standing water, something that is more likely to be in your yard during the summer months.
Ants are also more prevalent during the summer months as they tend to go dormant during cold weather and emerge to ruin your picnics and eat your snacks.
Fleas can also be a huge pest during the summer and can feast on you, your pets, and your friends if you have an infestation. During the summer you also have to look out for termites, ticks, wasps, hornets and other pests that might have gone dormant during the colder months, only to emerge in the warmer weather.
Some pests are year-round, especially those that live inside your home like roaches. Pests that primarily reside outdoors tend to go dormant when the temperature drops in an effort to survive. These pests might be dormant during the winter months but still present in your yard, simply not active. These pests can be truly terrible and can make spending time outside terrible.
Pests like mosquitos cannot survive when the temperature drops, and neither can wasps, other flying pests, or ants. If you suspect that you have pests contact a pest control service to help take care of this issue. There are so many pests that are going to be coming out during the summer and making sure that they are taken care of, that they are exterminated if possible, and that they are controlled is a must.
Pests are always going to be present, there is no way to get rid of pests entirely and to make sure that they are not going to bother you. A great pest control service can help you to control these pests so that you can then enjoy your outdoor areas and have a great summer.